Can I fill out physical Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) forms for Social Security disability through an online doctor?
It is always better to have your primary care physician (PCP), familiar with your health issues and functional capacity and limitations, fill out the RFC form. The process could take only 30 minutes by your primary care physician. Most practices find filling out RFC forms time-consuming and view it as an opportunity loss where the practice can provide services for other patients. So, it is reasonable for your PCP Office to ask for a processing fee for your RFC forms.
Dr. Kaako advises you to get your RFC forms filled out by your primary care physician if possible. Your PCP will probably provide the most accurate representation of your functional status, and the process will be more cost-effective for you.
If your PCP initially declined your request to fill out your RFC form, try to offer the doctor’s office the option of charging a processing fee for their lost opportunity.
If your PCP office is not willing to fill out your residual functional capacity forms, we are here to help you. We act as an independent medical consultant who will conduct a virtual telemedicine consult to review your capacity and limitations.
How does it work?
Step 1. Records Review
Dr. Kaako will review the medical evidence for your social security disability claim and determine whether or not he can support your claim through a virtual telemedicine exam to fill out your RFC (Residual Functional Capacity) form.
- Schedule your records review by clicking here
- Send all the available documents and records to [email protected]
- NOTE: You are responsible for collecting all of your inpatient and outpatient medical records from your primary care physician and specialist.
Step 2. Referral to a physical and occupational therapist for a complete in-person functional capacity evaluation.
If the doctor can support your claim and you would like to proceed with Steps 2 and 3, he will refer you to a local physical therapy in-person evaluation. The Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) or the physical demand level (PDL) is an objective evaluation to measure the individual’s physical capabilities and tolerances. The assessment uses standardized protocols to objectively define an individual’s safe and functional levels for the workplace and provides objective reports specific to an individual’s physical capabilities.
Step 3. Virtual visit for RFC (Residual Functional Capacity) form completion.
After a physical therapist completes the Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE), Dr. Kaako will conduct a virtual visit with you. He will perform a virtual physical exam, discuss the functional capacity and limitations, and fill out your RFC (Residual Functional Capacity) form.
How long does it take to complete RFC (Residual Functional Capacity) form?
Once we are done with the virtual visit, you should expect a completed RFC form within five business days.
How much does it cost?
Record Review
Virtual Visit and RFC Form Completion
Although the process could take only 30 minutes by your primary care physician, having an independent consultant review all the medical records to form a professional opinion about your residual functional status is time-consuming. Please note that the records review fee ($ 199) is not refundable after receiving the records and starting the review process. In the event of cancellation, you are entitled to a full refund for the records review fee if we have not received your medical records.
Will the decision made by Dr. Kaako about my residual functional status always be favorable to me?
Our goal is to provide you with an excellent and convenient service. When requesting a form service from Dr. Kaako, you request an independent consultant to form an opinion based on the medical evidence in the medical records, the Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) report, and the telemedicine consultation. Dr. Kaako will fill out your RFC form based on the cumulative evidence gathered from your records, your PT evaluation, and the virtual visit. Consistency in the information provided to your disability attorney, primary care physician, and Dr. Kaako is paramount to facilitating an objective assessment and unbiased outcomes. Dr. Kaako does not guarantee that the physician’s opinion about your functional status will be consistent with your perception of your functional level.