د. كعكو يرحب بكم
طبيبنا عند الطلب للولايات المتحدة
عن أحمد كعكو
MD, FACP, Healthcare E-MBA.ABIM certified in Focused Practice in Hospital Medicine
16 عامًا من الخبرة بعد التخرج من كلية الطب.
10 أعوام من الخبرة السريرية والإدارية بعد الإقامة في طب المستشفيات.
عامان من الحضور في كلية والتون للأعمال للحصول على درجة الماجستير في إدارة الأعمال التنفيذية.

- ABIM Board Certified in Internal Medicine with a Focused Practice in Hospital Medicine (FPHM)
- Interest in Gastroenterology and Hepatology Clinical Research.
- Interest and experience in Hospital/Hospitalist workflow efficiency.
- Interests in Telehealth and Telemedicine.
- Primary Care physician for Medicare patients
- 2012 National Quality Week at Sparks Regional Medical Center, Recognition award
- 2010 Recognition Award for being a Nominee for Charles Harold Alper, MD, Humanitarian Award to the Senior Resident who has consistently demonstrated the qualities of integrity, respect, and compassion in the care of patients and their families throughout residency training.
- 2009 UTC Annual Research Week, Recognition award
- 2007 UTC Annual Research Week, Recognition award

Nominated and Elected as one of two class Speakers for the Graduation Ceremony for Harvard Medical School Global Clinical Scholars Research Training (GCSRT) program 2015-2016
2009 Nominee by Department of Medicine Chairman for ACGME David C Leach, MD award to recognize residents and resident teams for improving graduate medical education areas include: (fostering innovation and improvement in the learning environment; increasing the program’s emphasis on educational outcomes; increasing efficiency and reducing non-educational burden; improving communication and collaboration in education and patient care within the program or institution; advancing humanism in patient care and among health care professionals)
Poster Presentations
- Kaako, A., Pasarin A. (2019, May) Planning Fecal Microbiota Transplant for Patients with Clostridium difficile Infection? Throw Bezlotoxumab! Poster presentation at: MAD-ID 2019 Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL
- Kaako A. (2018, June) Evaluating the Efficacy of Best Practice Alerts to Improve Clostridium Difficile Early Detection in Hospital Settings: A 6-month Interim Analysis of the 2-year prospective study. Poster presentation at: Digestive Disease Week (DDW). Washington D.C.
- Kaako A. (2017, October) Evaluating the Efficacy of Best Practice Alerts to Improve Clostridium Difficile Early Detection in Hospital Settings: A 6-month Interim Analysis of the 2-year prospective study. Poster presentation at: The Innovation Conference. Rogers, AR.
- Kaako A., Johnson P., Kolade V. (2010, February). An Unusual Case of Abdominal Pain. Poster presentation at: Southern Society of General Internal Medicine. New Orleans, LA
- Kaako A., Tumlin, J. (2010, February). Conn’s Syndrome Secondary to Bilateral Adrenal Hyperplasia Presenting as Malignant Hypertension and Massive Intracranial Hemorrhage. Poster presentation at: Southern Society of General Internal Medicine. New Orleans, LA
- Kaako A., Kolade V. (2009, October). A Simple Fall unmasked Serious Diagnosis. Poster presentation at: 10th Annual Southern Hospital Medicine. New Orleans, LA
- Kaako A., Sizemore J. (2009, October). Disseminated Primary Herpes Simplex Virus -1 Infection in an Immunocompetent Patient. Poster presentation at: 10th Annual Southern Hospital Medicine. New Orleans, LA
- Kaako A., Stansell K., Kolade V. (2009, May). Late-Onset Asthma and Stridor; Think about Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma! Poster presentation at: Southern Society of General Internal Medicine; Miami, FL and at Annual Resident Research Week; Chattanooga, TN
- Kaako A., Panda M. (2009, March). Taking care of Muslim Patient, How Culturally Aware Are Our Health Care Providers. Poster presentation at: 2009 National Conference for Physician-Scholars in the Social Sciences and Humanities; Philadelphia PA and at The International Conference on Communication in Healthcare; Miami, FL (2009, October)
- Kaako A., Panda M. (2009, February). Is It A Real Diagnosis or A Best Guess? Poster presentation at: Southern Society of General Internal Medicine; New Orleans, LA
- Li H., Cincere M., Kaako A., Jones R. (2008, April). A sore throat; potentially life threatening. Poster presentation at: Annual Resident Research Week; Chattanooga, TN
- Mannepalli S., Kaako A., Panda M., Sizemore J. (2007, February). Fever in an immunosuppressed patient, Infectious vs. Neoplastic. Poster presentation at: Southern Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting; New Orleans, LA
Oral Presentations
- Kaako, A., Azizah I. Family-Centered Care in Islamic Medicine: a Narrative Review. (2014, December). Second International Medical Center (IMC) and Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA) collaborative conference.
- Kaako A. MD, Panda M., Jones R. (2008, April). I Lost My Hearing on My Way Home! Oral Presentation at: Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting; Pittsburg, PA
- Abdeen Y, Al-Halawani M, Kaako A, Hao IF, Dazley J, Katpally R, Klukowicz A, Miller R, Slim J. Effect of the duration of protease inhibitor therapy in HIV-infected individuals on the severity of obstructive sleep apnea. J Res Med Sci 2019;24:65 (see publication)
- Kaako A. Promoting an academic culture in the Arab world: Correspondence. Avicenna J Med 2019;9:39-41 (see publication)
- Kaako A, Al-Amer M, Abdeen Y. Bezlotoxumab Use as Adjunctive Therapy with the Third Fecal Microbiota Transplant in Refractory Recurrent Clostridium Difficile Colitis; A Case Report and Concise Literature Review. Anaerobe. 2018 Dec 3. pii: S1075-9964(18)30205-1. ( see publication)
- Kaako A. Probable Association of Acute Pancreatitis with Dicyclomine. Turk J Gastroenterol 2018; Turk J Gastroenterol. 2018 Nov 19. (see publication)
- Kaako, A. Evaluating the Efficacy of Best Practice Alerts to Improve Clostridium Difficile Early Detection in Hospital Settings: A 6-month Interim Analysis of the 2-year prospective study. Avicenna J Med 2018;8 (see publication)
- Kaako A. Kolade V. Mediastinal Extragonadal Seminoma Presenting as Severe Back Pain in a Young Male. Tenn Med. 2011Oct;104(9):41-5. (see publication)
- Kaako A., Kolade V. Possible Association of New-Onset Seizure with the H1N1 Influenza Vaccine. Pharmacotherapy. 2011 Jan;31(1):33e-5e. (see publication)
- Kaako A., Kolade V. Back Pain and Mental Retardation. Tenn Med. 2010 Sep;103(9):37 (see publication)
- Kaako A. Panda M. Relaxing, Rejuvenating and Rejoicing in Residency! Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine (YJHM). (see publication)
- Kaako A. Bed Swap. Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine (YJHM). (see publication)
- Kaako AA Moment of Grief. Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine (YJHM). (see publication)
- Kaako A. Seeds of Wisdom. Yale Journal for Humanities in Medicine (YJHM). (see publication)